Metrics Table
Technology Accessibility | Compatibility with existing consumer technologies | 0-4 | 1-4 | depends on application | all |
Number of companies selling the technology | number | 0-2 | depends on application | all | |
Probability of market co-existence with current (competing) technology | 0-4 | 2-4 | depends on application | all | |
Global Environmental Impact | GHG- emissions at full load | g / kg fuel | - | 0 | all |
GHG- emissions at part load | g / kg fuel | - | 0 | all | |
Local Environmental Impact | Air quality impact (consider NOx, PM, CO, NMHC) | 0-4 | 4 | - | all |
Noise or perception of noise from the technology (SPL, loudness,etc.) | dB(A), sone | - | >60 dB @ 1m | Transport | |
- | N/A | other | |||
Design / product appearance impact | 0-4 | N/A | depends on application | all | |
Efficiency | Part load efficiency of technology | % | - | 50-77% | Transport |
- | >55% | other | |||
Full load efficiency of technology | % | - | 34-75% | Transport | |
- | >60% | other | |||
Efficiency of auxiliary components | % | - | N/A | all | |
Capacity & Availability | Capacity to meet users needs (e.g. Performance and acceleration of vehicle) | 0-4 | N/A | - | all |
Number of hours per year during which technology is available | hours/year | - | N/A | all | |
Durability of technology | hours | - | N/A | all | |
Cost (click here for more datails) | Capital investment for technology | EUR | - | 865 (90 g/s airflow rate)[1] | all |
Cost of ownership for consumers (e.g. Maintenance) | EUR / year | - | N/A | all | |
Cost per unit of energy from technology | EUR / kW | - | 2000-3000 $/kW (H2 compressed to 215 atm)[2] | all | |
Safety | Technology breakdown (including misuse) | no. / year | - | N/A | all |
Severity of failure | 0-4 | N/A | - | all |
Pressure plays an important role on the electrical output of the stack (fuel cells have better efficiency and power density when operating at air pressure higher than ambient) and on stack's water balance (at the same temperature of moist air, water quality of air at ambient pressure is higher than that of pressurized air).On the other hand it is known as well that an increase of the operating pressure has a deep impact on required power to compress the air. Most of on-going activities on cathode side have the focus to evaluate the best fuel cell system's operating pressure range in terms both of fuel cell system efficiency and water balance.
Super and turbo charging are quite common operation in automotive field, but it must be noted that those machines are either mechanically or exhaust gases driven and that the internal combustion engine requirements, in terms of pressure and flow rates, are not the same as of a fuel cell system.
Compressors are usually classified into two classes, according to the physical way the machine transfers the energy to the air:
- Dynamic (turbo) - centrifugal, axial
- Positive displacement
Positive displacement units are those in which successive volumes of air are confined within a closed space and elevated to a high pressure .The capacity of a positive displacement compressor varies marginally with the working pressure.
Positive displacement ones can be further classified into two types, depending on principles they use to deliver air at high pressure:
- Reciprocating compressor (alternative)
- Rotary compressor
Classification of compressors
Rating of different compressor types for PEM fuel cell applications
Characteristics of a dynamic compressor
Characteristic of a variable displacement compressor
The noise emitted from a compressor is greater than 60dB at 1m (see figure below, EN ISO 3744 measurement of a screw compressor). For transport applications the part and full load efficiencies of a compressor are 50-70% and 34-75% respectively. For other applications the part and full load efficiencies are greater than 55% and 60% respectively.
Sound pressure measurement (EN ISO 3744) of a screw compressor
Key Issues
Air compressor is a critical device in fuel cell systems, particularly for transport application. Development of this component must take into account also particular issues due to association with a stack- Low parasitic consumption (efficiency improvement): since compressor is the device with the highest power consumption from fuel cell and therefore it heavily affects fuel cell system efficiency
- Large turn down ratio: Compressor should operate over a wide range of air flow rate
- High dynamic response to satisfy requirements due to a vehicle acceleration
- Noise reduction
- Reduce volume and weight to completely fulfil automotive requirements
- Reduce cost directly linked to mass production of device; cost reduction must involve fluid dynamic machine and electric/electronic section
- Integration into the whole cathode side, taking into consideration stack's requirements in terms of temperature and humidification
- Air at the outlet of compressor should be oil free: Presence of contaminants in the air at stack inlet may decrease stack's performances or, at least, damage it.
Data Lacking
More information relating to cost, safety, durability and controlability is desirable.References
- S. Pischinger, J. Ogrzewalla, C. Schönfelder
Optimierung von Luftversorgungseinheiten für
Brennstoffzellensysteme in Fahrzeugantrieben
VDI-Berichte Nr. 1975, 2006
- D. Stolten
Grundlagen und Technik der BrennstoffzellenRWTH Aachen
- C. Mohrdieck, A. Docter
Technical Status and Outlook for Fuel Cell Drive Systems at DaimlerChrysler
VDI-Berichte Nr. 1975, 2006
- J. Haubrock , G. Heideck , Z. Styczynski
Electrical Efficiency Losses Occurred by the Air Compressor for PEMFC
WHEC 16, Lyon France, 13 - 16 June 2006
- S. Pischinger and C. Schönfelder, W. Bornscheuer, H. Kindl, A. Wiartalla
Integrated Air Supply and Humidification Concepts for Fuel Cell Systems
Sae Technical Paper Series 2001-01-0233
- E.J. Carlson, P. Kopf et al.
Cost Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for transportation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2005
- D.R. Simbeck, E. Chang
Hydrogen Supply: Cost Estimate for Hydrogen Pathways - Scoping Analysis
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden (Colorado), USA, 2002
- ↑ Honeywell Fuel Cell Turbo-Compressor with Mixed-Flow Compressor and VNT® Variable Nozzle Turbine including electronics
Source:E.J. Carlson, P. Kopf et al., Cost Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for transportation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2005 - ↑ Simbeck, D.R., Chang, E., Hydrogen Supply: Cost Estimate for Hydrogen Pathways – Scoping Analysis, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden (Colorado), USA, 2002
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