- Two thyristors may be connected in inverse parallel, but at moderate powerlevels the two antiparallel thyristors can be integrated into a single device structure, as shown.
- This device commonly known as Triac (triode a.c. switch) is represented bythe circuit symbol shown.
- Triac is the word derived by combining the capital letters from the wordsTRIode & a.c. As the Triac can conduct in both the directions, the terms anode & cathode are not applicable to Triac.
- Its three terminals are usually designated as main terminals, MT1, MT2 & gateG, as in a thyristor.
- The terminals MT1is the reference point for measurement of voltages ¤ts at the gate terminal & at the terminal MT2. The gate is near to terminal MT1.
- The V-I characteristics of a Triac is shown. This characteristic of the Triac arebased on the terminal MT1 as the reference point.
- The first quadrant is the region wherein MT2 is positive with respect to MT1 &vice-versa for the third quadrant.
- The peak voltage applied across the device in either direction must be lessthan the break over voltage in order to retain control of the gate.
- A gate current of specified amplitude of either polarity will trigger the Triacinto conduction in either quadrant, assuming that the device is in a blocking condition initially before the gate signal is applied.
- The characteristics of a Triac are similar to those of SCR, both in blocking &conducting states, expect for the fact that SCR conducts only in the forward direction, whereas the Triac conducts I both directions.
- Depending upon the polarity of a gate pulse & biasing conditions, the mainfour-layer structure that turns on by a regenerative process could be one of P1N1 P2N2, P1N1 P2N3, or P2N1 P1N4,
Triggering can be obtained from d.c., rectified a.c., or pulse sources such as
unijunction transistors & switching diodes such as the Diac, silicon bilateral switch (SBS) & asymmetrical trigger switch.
1. MT2 positive, positive gate current (MODE 1)
When the gate current is positive with respect to MT1 , gate current flows normally from the gate lead to the terminal MT1 through the P2 – N2 junction as shown. The device turns on in the conventional manner as in the case of an SCR. However, in the case of a Triac, the gate current requirement is higher for turn on at a particular voltage. Because of ohmic contacts of gate & MT1 terminals on the P2- layer, some more gate current flows from the gate lead G to the main terminal MT1 through the semiconductor P2 layer without passing through the P2N2 junction. The main structure which ultimately turns on through regenerative action is P1N1 P2N2.
The P2 layer is flooded with electrons when the gate current flows across the P2N2 junction. These electrons diffuse to the edge of the junction J2, are collected by N1 layer. Therefore, the electrons build a space charge in the N1 region & more holes from P1 diffuse into N1 to neutralize the negative space charge. These holes arrive at the junction J2. They produce a positive space charge in the P2 region which results
in more electrons being injected from N2 into P2. This results in positive regeneration & ultimately the structure P1N1 P2N2 conducts the external current.
2. MT2 positive, negative gate current (MODE 2)
A cross sectional view of the structure is shown. When the terminal MT2 is positive & gate terminal is negative with respect to terminal MT1, gate current flows through P2-N3 junction & this gate current IG forward biases the gate current P2-N3 of the auxiliary P1N1 P2N 3structure. As a result, Triac starts conducting through P1N1 P2N3 layers initially. With the conduction of P1N1 P2N3, the voltage drop across it falls but potential of layer between P2N3 rises towards the anode potential of MT2. As the right hand portion of P2 is clamped at the cathode potential of MT1, a potential gradient exists across layer P2 from, its left hand region begin at higher potential than its right hand region. A current is thus established in layer P2 from left to right which forward biased P2N2 junction & finally the main structure P1N1 P2N2, may be considered as a pilot SCR, while the structure OP1 N1 P2N2 may be regarded as the main SCR, both begin built in one common structure. The anode current of the pilot
SCR serves as the gate current for the main SCR. As compared with turn on process,
the device with MT2 positive but gate current negative is less sensitive & therefore
more gate current is required.
3. MT2 negative, positive gate current (MODE 3)
When terminal MT2 is negative & terminal MT1 is positive, the device can be turned on by applying a positive voltage between the gate & terminal MT1. In this mode, the device operates in the third quadrant when it is triggered into conduction. The turn on is initiated by remote gate control. The main structure that leads to turn on is P2N1 P1N4 with N2 acting as a remote gate as shown. The external gate current IG forward biases P2N2
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