8051 Based TV Display: In the course of a recent 8052.com thread , using '51 variants as audio/video co-processors came up. In response, i spent last Sunday implementing a micro only solution for a modest 256 x 190 pixel monochrome video generator for an equally modest 5" monochrome TV. What resulted was a software based, bit-mapped, NTSC video generator.
Utimately intending to build a VGA class display around a '51 platform, the first step was a direct video television display in hopes of leaving a bit-mapped serial terminal behind.
Quick Summary: The generation of this level of video is easily in the grasp of modern microcontrollers.
Available processor cycles occur with regular and predictable timing allowing additional tasks such as connected device interface and display formatting to also occur.
Generating a Video Display Typically, monochrome video data displays use a Master Clock set to the desired pixel output rate.  This clock drives a counter chain connecting to comparitor circuits which decode Horizonal Sync (at the end of each "display line"), Vertical Sync (at the end of each Frame of Horizonal lines), and the "displaying region" of a frame.  These signals, plus Video Data (shifting out during the displaying time of the cycle) input to a combining network that translates these signals to specific voltage levels.
In the late seventies, single chip controllers appeared which reduced the chip count by including a programable timing chain, comparitors, and memory access controllers.  These chips became the core of many computer's character and graphic capable displays.
The WEB has many examples of microcontroller character and graphic video TV interfaces. All are simple, and are based across PIC, Scenix, and AVR microcontroller types.  8051 afficionados have Myke Predko's interlaced NTSC signal generator which produced a 4 by 2 line character display using a video modulator, published in his book, "Customizing and Programming the 8051 Microcontroller".  Myke reports that as he devoted every available cycle of a DS89C520 (11.0592MHz) to the video task which precluded it's originally intentioned use (a serial terminal).
Project Definition: If a useful Terminal was to result, Text and Graphic capability would have to have enough depth to generate eye-pleasing display quality.  Using a DS80C420, some buffers and few resistors, the demonstration platform documented generates all timing and issues all video data. The source code is available in this zip file (METALINK Assy).
The generated video is "driving" the direct "Video In" of an inexpensive ($30 US) monochrome TV.  The avoidance of a Video Modulator is probably key to the quality of the display.
Prediction: This approach for video generation can succeed in producing a true monochrome bit mapped "terminal" addressable to the pixel.  Three efforts required for this are;
- 1) Physical Video Generation; (basically what is demonstrating now).
- 2) Logical buffer/bit/pixel translation; (abstracting physical addresses with logical Pixel/Rox addressing)
- 3) Interface Service. (19.2 serial interface intended).
A final characteristic of the DS'420 is that it only provides 1kB of integrated SRAM.  This is why the display format in the reference picture depicts repeated pattern.  The next incarnation will be provided the ~6kB the display requires.
The microcontroller correlates the following video events to the described voltage level; 1) Sync (0.0VDC); 2) Blanking (0.4VDC); (3) Black (0.48VDC); 4) White (1.0VDC).
The DAC shown is an expedient, an alternate "built out" DAC could implement Black, Grey1, Grey2, and White, using two bits for a pixel instead of one. This does have the obvious impact on memory, increasing it by two.
Only one signal line from the microcontroller is activated at a time to produce the four discrete voltage level.  Being '51 based, port pins could be activated individually but signal transition would include a momentary "glitch" to the "white level". To ensure this does not occur, writes to the Video DAC are "byte-wide" (i.e. MOV P1,#0BFH).
The following extract from the code listing identifies the Port pins used and the byte values required to be written to Port 1 to encode the required Sync, Blank, and Video levels to the connected TV.
; **********************
; *** Video I/O Pins ***
; **********************
; *** Video DAC
; *** +--- To TV
; *** hsync ---------+---[330]---+5V
; *** pix --[150]--+
; *** blank --[100]--+
; *** +---[100]--- GND
; ***
; *** DAC signals are "exclusive"
; *** only one active at any time.
hsync equ p1.4
pix equ p1.5
blank equ p1.6
; *** Video State bytes ***
blank_val equ 0BFH
sync_val equ 0EFH
black_val equ 0DFH
NTSC Video Timing: NTSC monochrome television display is the composite of Horizonal and Vertical synchronation pulses, and serial video patterns. These signals are of precise period and voltage level relation.
These signals are:
- Vertical Sync - The mechanism that causes the beam to deflect from the bottom right to the top left of the CRT,
- Horizonal Sync - The mechanism that causes the beam to deflect from right to left down one line,
- Blanking - The mechanism by where the beam is made invisible typically during retrace,
- Black - "un-displaying" video,
- White - displaying video.
A Horizonal Line starts with:
1) a "Blank" (0.4VDC level) period of 1.4 usec known as the Front Porch,
2) followed by a "Sync Pulse" (0.0VDC) for 4.4 usec during which the beam re-traces to the left side of the CRT (at a location below the just displayed line).
3) The video is then "un-blanked" and a short "black time" occurs (to establish a "left border).
4) Video data is output to the display until time for the right border (black) and then the next horizonal sync occurs.  Any interruption, or instability of timing, is clearly shown in display quality and format.
Code Examples: The following extract demonstrates the generation of the Horizonal Sync period of a Horizonal line.
; ***-------------***
; *** Left Border ***
; ***-------------***
mov p1,#black_val ;3 Emit Black Video level
mov r2,#horz_bytes ;2 Init # of bytes rotated to Video
A black left border is output and # number of Horizonal Video bytes (composed of 8 pixels is initialized. ; ***--------------***
; *** Active Video ***
; ***--------------***
; -- pixel cycle --
movx a,@dptr ;2 Fetch a byte of Video pixels
rlc a ;1 Shift one pixel value to Carry
mov pix,c ;2 Move pixel to port pin
nop ;4 equiv of DJNZ
A byte of 8 pixels is fetched, and the Most Sig pixel is shifted to the TV interface. A delay of 4 cycles compensates for a DJNZ instruction that terminates the coming video data byte loop. Following this are 5 "inner" pixel cycles which simply rotate the next 5 pixels: ; -- inner pixel cycle --
nop ;1 Wait equiv of a MOVX
rlc a ;1 Shift another pixel value to Carry
mov pix,c ;2 Move pixel to port pin
nop ;4 equiv of DJNZ
Noticably the inner pixel cycles compensate for the MOVX instruction that occured in the first pixel cycle. A final pixel cycle occurs with a test to see if the loop re-occurs (because the line is not finished) or if it's time to generate the right border. ; -- pixel cycle --
nop ;1 equiv of movx
rlc a
mov pix,c
djnz r2,vid_rld
With all video data bytes exhausted, the Right Border is generated and then, the end of line occurs with the Horizonal Sync being generated. ; ***--------------***
; *** Right Border ***
; ***--------------***
mov p1,#black_val
; ***-----------------***
; *** Horizonal Synch ***
; ***-----------------***
mov p1,#blank_val ;Output a "Blank" video state
mov r2,#frontporch ; Init the Front Porch period
djnz r2,$ ; Loop for duration of Front Porch
; *** Horizonal Sync Pulse ***
mov p1,#sync_val ;Output a "Sync" video state
mov r2,#synch_width ; Init the Sync Pulse period
djnz r2,$ ; Loop for duration of Sync
; *** Back Porch ***
mov p1,#blank_val ;Ouput a "Blank" video state
mov r2,#backporch ; Init Back Porch period
djnz r2,$ ; Loop for duration of Back Porch
djnz line_counter,mpl ;Loop thru Visible Horizonal Lines
Notably, the Horizonal sync is composed of three delays.  Instead of sitting in "dead loops" waiting, alternative operations can occur.  The next stage of project incarnation will employ this time to test for and store any waiting serial receive data. Generating Vertical Sync:
After 243 Horizonal lines have issued it's time to generate the Vertical Sync pattern. Importantly, this implementation is not "interlaced", that is, the 243 lines do not alternate slighly offset every other cycle as a standard Television video source would.  The code does have routines for this but in use they did not seem to generate the same quality of display as the non-interlaced version.
The code implements "black" (no video) lines above and below the Vertical Sync area.  This was done to accomodate the specific TV i am using.
Again, The Vertical Sync, and the Black lines that proceed and follow it, are periods of time spent looping.  Conversion of characters to font bitmaps, interpretation of incoming commands, and display scrolling can occur within the time spent doing "blacker than black" (sync-black lines) video generation.
The Vertical Sync routine calls a subroutine "half-line", seven times, a sub-routine "minus line" six times, and again calls the "half-line" routine seven times.
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